416. Unlocking Authentic Living: How to Align Actions with Core Principles

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We've journeyed through the world of core principles, learning how they can transform your life. In this final part, we focus on reflection and action, crucial steps towards living authentically.

The Importance of Reflection

Before diving into action, reflect on what drives you. What are your top three core principles? Another way to ask this question is: If I were to ask someone to describe you with three words, what would they say? Think of them not just as words, but as the core of your identity, guiding your decisions and actions.

Or maybe reflect on your life experiences, especially those moments filled with pride and fulfillment. What values were you upholding during these times? Maybe you felt proud when you supported a teammate, showing 'loyalty' as a core principle. Or you felt accomplished sticking to your training, highlighting 'discipline'. These reflections help pinpoint your unique principles.

Putting Principles into Action

Now, it's time to live out these principles. If 'loyalty' is your principle, actively support and encourage your teammates. For 'discipline', consistently follow your training and study schedules. Let your principles guide your daily actions, just like a rudder steers a ship.

Committing to Authenticity

Living by your core principles is an ongoing commitment. It's about constantly striving to be your best self. This commitment is a promise to yourself and those around you to live genuinely.

You're not alone in this endeavor. Share your experiences and challenges with others. Open dialogue can be inspiring and supportive. Engaging with peers can provide new perspectives and encouragement.

Adopting your core principles isn't just about sports; it's about shaping your character and your life. Use reflection as your guide and action as your means to live a fulfilling life. Share your story, inspire others, and remember: your core principles are your guiding stars in this exciting journey towards authenticity.

Learn more about Core Principles and becoming your best self by taking the 11 Week Challenge inside the Mental Skills Mechanics

  • Take the guesswork out of confidence building. 11 video lessons to walk you through how to get elevate your focus step-by-step, so you know exactly what to do.

  • Get the tools and strategies you need to take action. The course includes a PDFs and powerpoints, plus new examples and applications that you can’t find in The Mental Game Blog. 

  • Learn a framework that works for elite mental performance. You can use this course to build your mental game – from resilience, to embracing failure, to visualization and mental imagery. It’s all in there.


415. From Values to Action: Living Your Core Principles